Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sun Day Design

For the beginning create a new file (File>New) of 1280x1024 px and 72 dpi. Select the Rectangle Tool (U) to stretch the element on the whole layer to represent the backside background. Select then the Blending Options>Gradient Overlay to set the next parameters, demonstrated below:
This is the way the new background should look like:
On a new layer we’ll represent the grass. In this case we’ll select the Brush Tool (B) and two standard brushes of two types, as it is indicated below:

Set both black colors on the tools’ panel:

… and represent the grass the next picture indicates it:

Continue by representing the rainbow, drawing firstly a line by applying the same method we did with the background:

Set the next indicated parameters:
We’ve got a rainbow line:

Create a new layer, marking it on the layers’ palette both with the line’s layer. Press Ctrl+E for the layers to be put together:

Select after that Filter>Distort>Shear to modify the line as it is shown below:
You must get the same thing:

Turn it over with Free Transform option (Ctrl+T)

Increase the lightness (Ctrl+U):
You must get the next result on this stage:
Using the brush of yellow color, try to add on the picture more mist between the layer with the grass and the one with the rainbow:
Applying the Rectangle Tool (U), make a new rectangle, applying the next Blending Options:

It’s the result we must get, but the color of the lines is not so important:

Provide the same rasterizing operation that we did with the rainbow’s layer. Press Ctrl+Shift+U, making it this way a monochromatic one.

Set the same Blending Mode shown below:
Applying the Eraser Tool (E), try to move off those parts of the layer demonstrated next picture:
Make a spot of white color, choosing the brush for this operation:

Select the Paint Bucket Tool (G) to fill the new layer with white color and then insert on the layers’ panel the mask containing the cloud effect (Filter>Render>Clouds)

You must get the same result from below:

Using the Eraser Tool (E), try to move off the unnecessary parts to give the clouds a corresponding shape.

Next insert a vector character out of the own library.

… and several butterflies with the Custom Shape Tool (U)
The picture is finished!

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