Take now the Rectangle Tool (U) and stretch out the figure on the whole canvas. Set the next demonstrated parameters, making a mouse click on this layer on the layers' palette
Create one more layer, giving it the Opacity of 0%.
Give next indicated parameters for the made layer:
Now it's time to represent a rounded element, applying the Ellipse Tool (U), giving it also the Opacity of 0%.
Follow the shown parameters:
It's the result you must get on this stage:
Select now the Brush Tool (B) and try to represent the contours of a fir tree, like on the next picture:
Select out of the Custom Shape Tool (U) the same star indicated below:
Fill the whole fir tree's inside space with selected stars, changing also their sizes (Ctrl+T)
One star should be situated on the fir tree's top, giving it the next parameters:
This is the image you should get now:
Next we'll select three types of snowflakes, like those from below:
Placing the snowflakes in an arbitrary way on our picture, we may change their Opacity parameter on the layers' palette: Fill: 10%, 20%, 40%.
Choose out of the already known table a kind of figure like the next one:
Place it under the layer containing the top star, the same way situated below: Fill 0% on this layer:
Next we should select the next demonstrated parameters: This is the next stage of the picture:
Take now the Pen Tool (P) and represent several fillets on the fir tree, choosing the next colors' codes:
your blog is so good......
I loved your blog, it is wonderful to teach people how to design. Thank you.
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