Saturday, January 17, 2009

Create an Awesome Music Poster - part 1

For the beginning we need to have installed the Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended. Then create a new file (File>New) of 1280x1024 px and 72 dpi. Next select the Rectangle Tool (U) to represent the background of the picture to be.
Choose next demonstrated parameters by making a mouse click on the layer on the layers’ panel. Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:

Try representing a new file (File>New) of 400x400 px and 72 dpi. Select after that this option in the menu: 3D>New Shape From Layer>Cube

Clicking on the layers of the sides we need, we may paint them out with the Paint Bucket Tool (G) with the color #9DA8AE

Select the 3D Rotate Tool (K), to change the cube’s dimensions and its foreshortening, using the axes of the coordinates.

Try to get the same shape from below:
Select after that the Lock transparent pixel option (on the layers’ panel) and the Brush Tool (B) of black color (Opacity 30%) to paint the edges of each border. Select on 3D layer the option Render for Final output.

Next we need to rasterize our cube element by making a click on the right mouse’s button on 3D layer. You may find it on the layers’ panel, choosing there Raseterize 3D option. Insert the result on our basic picture.
Represent somewhere aside the layers belonging to the dynamics to be, using for this operation the Ellipse Tool (U).

The layer’s parameters: Blending Options>Gradient Overlay
Gradient’s parameters:

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Speed and flame Peugeot 908 RC wallpaper - part 2

Select now the Pen Tool (P) to draw a line along the car's body, as you may see below:
Choose again the Smudge Tool (R) to blur out the line to give the effect of the smoke as it is represented below:
Find on this layer the Blending Options>Outer Glow by making a mouse click on the layer we work with on the layers' panel, setting the next indicated parameters:

Pass on the next parameters:

We need to get a stream of flame:

On the next three new layers we need to paint the next demonstrated lines:

Blur them out as to get some real flame's tongues:

Follow the next Blending Options parameters:

These parameters must be applied for the two layers demonstrated next picture:

Speed and flame Peugeot 908 RC wallpaper - part 1

Find a picture with a car like the next one:
Mark out the car's wheel with the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M)
…then select the next selection: Filter>Blur>Radial Blur

We'll get the effect of rotating wheel:

Next try to give the same effect to the second wheel.

Make a copy of this layer (Ctrl+J) and try to enlarge it by 20%, using the Free Transform option. Blur out the borders of the doors' pole, of the backside light, of the wheels and the mirrors, using the Smudge Tool (R) for this operation. We need also to choose for this layer the next demonstrated Blending Mode.

We need to get the next result:

On a new layer we'll insert with the brush a blue silhouette, using the next indicated color's code:

Set the next indicated parameter:
We'll get the next result on this stage:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Design a Grunge Citroen Wallpaper

Start working by using a texture representing the stone (I use this texture from, having the size of 1280x1024 px and 72 dpi.
Follow the next layer’s parameters by making a mouse click on this layer on the layers’ palette. Blending Options>Inner Glow

Click on Add a Mask selection on the same layer on the lowest part of the layers’ palette and then select the Brush Tool (B) to dark out the picture’s edges.

Next we’ll use the flag of France as a model for the picture to be:
Create a new layer and use on it the standard brush (firstly with accurate edges and then the one indicated below for outlining the edges between the colors). We need to paint out on an inclined direction the flag’s layer.

The layer’s parameters: Blending mode-Overlay
Find a picture having represented on it the old CITROEN car (I use this image from

Cut out roughly the car and insert it on our picture:

Select the next parameters for the car’s layer: Blending Options>Drop Shadow