Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas tree - part 1

Let's start our work by creating a new file (File>New) of 1280x1024 px and 72 dpi. Using the Paint Bucket Tool (G), give the new file this color #4d0100
Create a new layer and choose for it the Brush Tool (B), the Opacity of 50% and black color to dark out the bottom part of the picture and the left top corner.

Create one more new layer (Create new layer), using on it the same brush, but the Opacity of 100% to paint the right top corner with the color #B90C00

Next we’ll take the Pen Tool (P) and the Convert Point Tool and start drawing several lines, composing the ornament we want to have on our picture.

Select for the last layer the parameters demonstrated below by making a mouse click on this layer on the layers’ palette. Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Gradient’s parameters:

Continue applying the last used tools (Pen Tool (P) and Convert Point Tool) to represent other lines composing the same ornament, started above.

The layer’s parameters: Fill 0% Blending Options>Gradient Overlay

Gradient’s parameters:

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